Crystal mind magenta feelings chica cherry cola
Is it too early in the weekend to start referencing a 90s song? Okay how about this instead: How is it July already? No scratch that. How is it the middle of July already? Sometimes I have to pinch myself to make sure I’m not in the middle of a time slip. I swear I left my brains back in February, when I told myself I’ll start going back to exercising regularly and not sporadically so I’d lose at least 5 kilograms by July. HAHA JOKE’S ON ME.
Some things have changed and yet so much remained the same. COVID-19 is still here, for one thing. I still haven’t lost 5 kilograms, that’s another thing. And I still think Lay is the one of the sexiest men alive, which I doubt will ever change. At least not in my book. Oh! And so. much. great. kdramas. *chef’s kiss*
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