Quick hits: words for breakfast, an incredible zine, tools for a creative process, and the battle between your weekend self

A oil painting of the White Cliffs of Dover
Photo by Catherine Kay Greenup on Unsplash

Hey, folks! How’s May treating you? I hope all is going well. Things have been so-so, but I know I need to get my ducks lined up in a row, both in my personal passion projects and my health. I’ll talk more about those passion projects soon, but for now, let’s talk horror and creativity.

Grab your favorite mug of coffee or tea (or maybe a protein shake – you do you, boo), kick back and relax as I yap away. Nothing too lengthy this time, though! I know, that sigh of relief is from us both. Without further ado, let’s start with the yapping.

Continue reading “Quick hits: words for breakfast, an incredible zine, tools for a creative process, and the battle between your weekend self”

Things I loved back in August

September is upon us and August pretty much left an impression on me  both good and bad. It’s a fresh  new month and I am looking forward to a couple of kdramas. I’ve actually written them down on one of my notebooks because I love writing things down. Pen on the paper. Callus on my finger. Old school style. My early millennial self is showing. *blushes furiously*

While August had been fraught with grated nerves and sleeping pills  there are still things good things that it left behind. By no means are they weepy, sappy things worthy of Hallmark cards, though. But I guess every other person can relate to them.

Continue reading “Things I loved back in August”