Quick hits: words for breakfast, an incredible zine, tools for a creative process, and the battle between your weekend self

A oil painting of the White Cliffs of Dover
Photo by Catherine Kay Greenup on Unsplash

Hey, folks! How’s May treating you? I hope all is going well. Things have been so-so, but I know I need to get my ducks lined up in a row, both in my personal passion projects and my health. I’ll talk more about those passion projects soon, but for now, let’s talk horror and creativity.

Grab your favorite mug of coffee or tea (or maybe a protein shake – you do you, boo), kick back and relax as I yap away. Nothing too lengthy this time, though! I know, that sigh of relief is from us both. Without further ado, let’s start with the yapping.

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Midweek dispatch special: Good things come in twos

South Korean photo, night time, neon lights, sidewalk | Ciaran O'Brien via Unsplash
Photo by Ciaran O’Brien on Unsplash

I have been consuming words mostly in the form of newsletters, especially the ones from Substack. October has come and gone, and I mourn the time I lost feeling unwell. I could’ve been out and about for spooky season, but no. My body demanded rest. My body has betrayed me.

The good news is that it’s never too late for anything scary, which is why I’m currently watching “Shadow”, a Thai series that takes place in an all-boys school, where seeing the supernatural and getting haunted by ghosts and spirits are just as frightening as getting bullied for one’s sexual preference. I won’t talk too much about that here, though. I plan to do that in the next issue of my newsletter.

A NaNoWriMo Story: “Love % Of” (working title)

So far, we’ve got a sinister stalker and a faceless villain to contend with our main characters. This story has a dash of romantic comedy and peppered with enemies-to-lovers trope for our two main characters, whose names I am still very much undecided even as I type this down. This is a love story with a hint of darkness in it. Unlike my other story, “The Secret Wife”, which is all fluff and cuteness, this one weighs heavier. Yes, there’s still going to be some comedic moments but there will also be scenes brushing on death and obsession. The darker side of putting someone on a pedestal and believing that feeling and everything that comes with it is rooted on love.

Continue reading “Midweek dispatch special: Good things come in twos”

Rainy weather, part-time insomniac

I feel like words fail me now, and all thoughts and feelings that come with that statement? They are swiftly followed by the urge to just sleep and sleep and sleep. The rainy weather we’ve been having recently is like a slice of sunshine in my little corner of the world. I used to hate rainy days with passion, but I’ve come to appreciate it the older I grew.

I’ve been cobbling together some words for this romantic comedy I’ve been writing and it’s been rough lately. Why do the scenes look so good in my head, but when I write them I feel like something’s lacking? 😅 I think I have evolved into a creature who is just screaming words out into the void.

All right. Tangent comes to a full stop now. Who else here has been watching ongoing dramas (Korean dramas)? Please make yourself known, because I’d love to get to know more fellow kdrama fans.

Continue reading “Rainy weather, part-time insomniac”