I just take as much as you can throw

Hey, stranger. How have you been? It’s me. The problem and also an absentee blogger. My last post was November 2022 and oh wow. How dare the five-month radio silence? The nerve! The cheek! Well  more like the low energy that no caffeine in the world can save.

The past five months have been a blur; sometimes a blackhole. Even my personal journal (written longhand! because I am a throwback like that!) were merely blips in my timeline. I have consumed kdrama and music. I have stayed up late in the night, watching the stories in my head instead of writing them down. I have written a romcom (still ongoing  but I’ll get to that later). And some days, I slept for 10 hours. That’s mostly the memories I have of the past five months.

Not to say that those are my only memories…

Continue reading “I just take as much as you can throw”

It’s me. Hi, I’m the problem. It’s me.

So! We’re almost halfway through November. Almost  but not quite. How’s everyone feeling? I’ve always wanted to experience fall and winter, but I only get rainy days and cool nights this side of the globe. Inflation is a pain in the ass and purchasing power is a joke.

December can’t come soon enough. But hey! Forward  march!

Continue reading “It’s me. Hi, I’m the problem. It’s me.”

Happy Unbirthday + other notes

Others hang out in Starbucks as their choice of place to work or unwind. Me? It’s the nearby grocery store’s food court.

There is something oddly satisfying about plunking down my butt on one of their thinly cushioned steel chairs as I help myself to some food while I watch a kdrama or cdrama. (Recently I’ve been watching “Love is Sweet” as I wait for my current kdramas to air their most recent episodes.)

The food court is small and I think I tried everything they have to offer, save for a stall or two. My favorites are definitely the takoyaki and siomai stalls. I gulp it down with a plastic cup of gulaman and I am happy.

Sometimes I go grocery shopping because we need stuff. Sometimes also because I secretly buy things that I think will help us in case the zombie apocalypse starts. I know we need all those canned food.

Continue reading “Happy Unbirthday + other notes”

Ohai July!

Crystal mind magenta feelings chica cherry cola

Is it too early in the weekend to start referencing a 90s song? Okay how about this instead: How is it July already? No scratch that. How is it the middle of July already? Sometimes I have to pinch myself to make sure I’m not in the middle of a time slip. I swear I left my brains back in February, when I told myself I’ll start going back to exercising regularly and not sporadically so I’d lose at least 5 kilograms by July. HAHA JOKE’S ON ME.

Some things have changed and yet so much remained the same. COVID-19 is still here, for one thing. I still haven’t lost 5 kilograms, that’s another thing. And I still think Lay is the one of the sexiest men alive, which I doubt will ever change. At least not in my book. Oh! And so. much. great. kdramas. *chef’s kiss*

Continue reading “Ohai July!”

June report: This kdrama girl may have languished in creativity but there is hope

Half of the year already done and over with. I am both thrilled and down about it. Thrilled because the “ber” months are near. This means Christmas holiday is getting nearer and nearer each day I wake up. I’m also feeling down about it because it means that 2022 is also getting nearer and nearer to being done and over with. Time flies when you’re getting old. The good news is that June this year brought a number of kdramas that made my kdrama fangirl heart oh so happy.

Continue reading “June report: This kdrama girl may have languished in creativity but there is hope”