I interrupt my radio silence and usual program to say this: My zine is finally out and about, and released into the wild. They grow up so fast, those little gremlins that are hard work of one’s creativity and questionable sanity. *wipes away one – yes, exactly one – happy tear*
If you’ve been following me on Instagram, I think I first posted about it there. “It” being my first ever public zine (a perzine, to be more specific).
Perzines are a genre of zines; the “per” meaning “personal”. Although most zines could be considered personal in that they represent the opinionated work of one person, this term describes zines that are written about one’s own personal experiences, opinions and observations. This genre has become increasingly popular within the zine community and is probably the largest-used format for zines today.
In many ways, the perzine could be considered the paper predecessor to the blog. Yet for many zine creators, the paper format is still the preferred medium, despite the blog phenomenon.[1]
I had fun making it and can’t believe this day has come! Now I stand here before you with All the Reasons Why zine. Feel free to read it right here, right now, or download it and read it later. It’s 100% free and 100% made with many sleepless nights, reminiscing, and good ol’ Nightol.
(Aside: Please don’t resell or edit my zine. Although I don’t know why anyone would do that. I thought it’s safe to say it here point-blank, anyway, because the internet is weird and some people can be weirder. 😁)
I hope you enjoy it, and thanks in advance for reading it! 🙂 I’ll see you in my next blog post.