September is upon us and August pretty much left an impression on me both good and bad. It’s a fresh new month and I am looking forward to a couple of kdramas. I’ve actually written them down on one of my notebooks because I love writing things down. Pen on the paper. Callus on my finger. Old school style. My early millennial self is showing. *blushes furiously*
While August had been fraught with grated nerves and sleeping pills there are still things good things that it left behind. By no means are they weepy, sappy things worthy of Hallmark cards, though. But I guess every other person can relate to them.
Rainy days (and nights)
Rainy season had begun here and August had seen to that. I used to hate the rain, especially when I was young. I used to hate it as I grew older, especially while I was working because one word: commute. I really really disliked getting my feet wet. Not just my feet but also my jeans or jogger pants while I’m on my way to work. I did stash a set of clothes in the office, but it didn’t make rainy days less fun or more tolerable. It just meant that I knew what I was up against and have resigned myself to the fact that I really needed to get changed once I arrived in the office sopping wet.
But if there’s one good thing the pandemic brought, it’s the work from home set-up. Bye bye, commuting to and from the office. Now rainy days (and nights) are better, especially when I am holed up at home in my room. I keep my curtain open, letting the cool wind rush inside as rain slaps on the windows. Sometimes the rain and wind come on too strong and I have to frantically shut my windows to prevent my bed from getting wet. It happened several times: I’m enjoying the cool wind and the sound of the rain too much that I fall asleep. Deep sleep. Next thing I know, my pillows, my blanket, and the mattress are wet. Rain is raging angrily outside. Yes, I slept through that. I have the sneaking suspicion I’ll probably sleep through the initial wave of the zombie apocalypse.
I just love the rain. Don’t you?
The once-in-a-blue-moon damn near perfection of a kdrama: “Alchemy of Souls”
August saw to it that I kept watching “Alchemy of Souls”, just one of the best kdramas ever made. It’s not perfect but every episode, every sub-plot and plot twist was deliciously intriguing and the chemistry among the cast is really, really good.
Fantasy kdramas are usually a hit or miss for me and I was surprised that it has wormed its way into this kdrama fan’s heart of mine. I really love the Hong sisters. The endings to their kdramas may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but I like the unexpected plot twists and almost happy endings. They’re usually the ones that stay with you long after watching it.
Speak geek to me: Notion app
I used to blog sporadically. Content calendar? What content calendar? I’m not a professional blogger. I blog as a hobby. This blog + my kdrama blog = blogs driven by passion and hobby. I make no money out of them. But recently when I went down the rabbit hole as I was watching YouTube one fateful afternoon. I saw a vlogger called Dobochobo talk about Notion AND IT CHANGED MY LIFE. Well a part of my life, anyway. The blogger/writer part.
I began using it last July but it was during August that my blogging routine was finally reinforced. Before I knew it, I had a content calendar. I actually had a list of topics that I want to blog about. Not only that but both Dobochobo and Notion also helped me pick up my blogging/writing habits. It made things more fun and streamlined. Never thought I’d be using those two words in the same sentence but there you have it. Notion is da bomb! And my geeky heart is tap dancing with sheer happiness.
I am now signing off. September is on its third day but my brain is still stuck on its first day. Sending you shiny happy vibes from this rainy corner of the world.
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