Their meet-cute was a disaster, but at least it was a hilarious disaster.
This is where the story of “My Roommate is a Gumiho” started: When Lee Dam accidentally hit Shin Woo Yeo with her hand, she ended up swallowing his fox bead. Because Lee Dam now carries the fox bead, she and Woo Yeo (the gumiho) decided to live together until they both find a way to get it out of Lee Dam’s body.
Forced cohabitation is one of my favorite tropes and these two just keep the laughter coming with their antics. One hilarity after another follow them, whether together or apart. But especially together. I actually don’t know who to feel more sorry for: The gumiho who has to put up with Lee Dam and her carefree attitude and sometimes rash actions or Lee Dam who practically lives quaking in fear from living under the same roof as the 999 year-old gumiho. 😂 “My Roommate is a Gumiho” is the perfect romcom to balance all my other horror/thriller/murder mystery kdramas. It’s light, fun, and funny. Here are some of the things I loved about it and caught my interest:
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