You asked, I answered: Ways to keep your shit together after a breakup

We’ve all been there: That dark time, the black hole, that hellhole also known as the break up. We all get a little wiser after each breakup, for sure. But that doesn’t make it any easier, does it? Unless, of course, it wasn’t anything serious and the decision to break up was mutual. Now before I proceed with some really helpful tips, let’s dip our toes into semantics for a bit because misery loves company. And sometimes, grammar can really make one miserable. Don’t at me.

Okay. Now that we’ve gotten that little gremlin out of the way, onward we march to today’s question:

What are the good ways of keeping your shit together after a breakup?

So glad you asked. I have graduated with BA Heartbreak, major in Keeping Your Shit Together with flying colors. I assure you that you are in the best hands and about to get quality tips. In fact, it’s so good we’ll jump straight to the top tips from your friendly oddball of a blogger. (Spoiler alert: Me. It’s me. I’m that blogger.)

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