Here are some of things that my descendant will inherit with my Mac Mini, if I didn’t wipe it clean of any traces of me before handing it off to them.
Brand guidelines and more…
That along with the two screenshots of the company’s color palette: principal and additional. They’re in my desktop, where I place all my go-to files. And where I also placed this image because I didn’t have the heart to delete it when it made its appearance in 2018. I mean, where else am I going to have a photo of myself as a cute panda?? This is awesome. I love it. And that sentence underneath the image? LOVE IT. I want this image printed and placed on my tombstone. 😂
Horror podcasts galore
I’m not even going to lie: Everything I listen to is horror, except for “Welcome to Night Vale.” Although they do have terrifying episodes like “Street Cleaning Day”. And their segments such as word from our sponsors, traffic, and stay tuned next are truly odd (and sometimes creepy). I love it!
Current horror podcast favorite as I type this down is Unexplained Encounters. His stories on skinwalkers and wendigos are truly terrifying. It’s actually the first time I got scared about those creatures, even though the “Supernatural” TV series primed me for it. Heh. 😏
Excel file listing all vacation and sick leave filed
This is an embarrassing file, but only because it bears proof of the exact reason why during Christmas season 2021, I was able to file a vacation leave that lasted for only 2.5 days.
I really should do better next year. 😩
My one dorky but fun app
There’s Atom and only Atom that I can classify as “dorky but fun.” When I first started working, I tried what everyone else was doing because it paid the bills. Once, I dared take the career path of a Marketing Assistant. I thought it would be fun and that I was made for that kind of job. It was fun, only I wasn’t made for it. And then I got this cool job of creating and managing websites. Now that kind of job was made for me.
I love building websites. I love creating them. I love coding them. My passion in creating websites (and blogging) started when I was in college. I remember spending hours and hours in the library, reading books about CSS and HTML. I still remember the thrill I felt when I finally coded and created my first ever WordPress theme. Websites are my jam. 😎
Atom is the equivalent of a cup of coffee on a rainy day. It comforts me just seeing it in my row of apps. And its icon reminds me of one of my favorite shows, “The Big Bang Theory“, so that’s cool and great, too.
Files and files and more files on design projects
Meeting notes, sticky notes, png and jpeg files, Figma files, admin-related files… There are hundreds (possibly thousands) of them. The fun never stops! All I can say is at least my descendant will never run out of resources.
There’s a lot more but those are the things I can think of off the top of my head. What about you? Have you ever thought of office things that somehow scream “YOU!!” in terms of what it contains or what it’s about?
I would like to include something from Welcome to Night Vale before I end this post. It’s one of my favorite parts of the podcast because it can be funny or disturbing or terrifying. It can go so wrong in so many ways.
Stay tuned next for…
a community-wide frisson of cosmic fright.
our newest hit program, Open-Mouthed Chewing! Tonight’s topic: Glass shards, how to make the most of a bad situation.
the sounds of a slow, steady dripping, and occasional screams.
whatever happens next in your life.
Source: Welcome to Night Vale Wiki