Ohai! 😄 I have been blogging for quite some time now and also decided to dip my toes in publishing newsletters. I find them comforting; something I’d read while sipping hot tea on a rainy night. I wanted to reach out and converse (even if only through the internet!) with people who have the same interests as me. Or people who also like learning or hearing about new things. In my newsletter, I mostly talk about kdramas and life experiences. And because I love the supernatural/horror, too… Who knows? I might throw in something about that, too. 👻
My newsletter, Kdrama Girl’s Notebook, is not so new. It was launched last May 15, 2021 and I briefly talked about one of the new kdramas I’ve been watching (and loving), “Dark Hole.” You can check out the newsletter here and see if it’s something that interests you, too. 😊 I send them out every end of the month. I would love to hear from you if you love kdramas and horror, too!