This heap of junk is currently unwell. I feel a flu coming and while I detest it I wonít let it hinder the growth of my blogging prowess. Did that even make sense? I’m sorry. It’s the meds talking. Believe me, this is NOT how I imagined spending my weekend. A long weekend at that too! I’ve had glorious glamorous plans. And being the awesome troglodyte that I am, I dreamed of catching up on my kdramas and Asian horror movies, of checking and planning on my content calendar, of creating more posts for my kdrama website, et cetera. Earth-shattering stuff, really. But my body betrayed me once again. And so my grand plans will have to wait until I’m feeling better.
But here let me entertain you with this week’s post while you’re here. Might was well make it worth your while eh?
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